The 2nd year students of the Department of Science Education carried out the "STEAM Festival and Science Street" event within the scope of the Community Service Practices Course conducted by Dr. Instructor Gülcan MIHLADIZ TURHAN at Turkey Lovers Elementary and Middle School. The program was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Dr. Firdevs SAVİ ÇAKAR, Vice Dean Assoc. Dr. Osman EROL, faculty members, school principal İmran ELAY, assistant principal Ümmü Selin DEMER, teachers, teacher candidates, elementary and middle school students. Especially the students and teachers who showed intense interest stated that they found the interactive materials based on science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) subject areas fun and instructive. Teacher candidates also had the opportunity to demonstrate their professional skills and instill positive attitudes towards scientific activities in the excitedly participating students.
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